Whats New About Me!?

What's new about Tara?


Hello Bitches! Today's post is a update on my life and how things have been doing. I haven't done one of these post since my last blog back in February, a lot has definitely changed since then with lifestyle choices, boyfriend, health and much more. 


I have had surgery on my hip about a month ago there is a post going up on Monday all about my surgery, it'll have lots of detail it's a bit of a novel so if you have time I suggest you read it, so keep a look out for it. 
I can't wait for my recovery to be over, so I can lose the extra weight I have gained in the past 9 months. I'm considering putting myself on the keto diet (High fat-Low Carb), just to kick start the weight and with the small amount of exercise I can do it should do a bit of damage on my muffin top. 

With my living arrangements it has change dramatically I have moved in with my boooo! It's great waking up to him every morning seeing him off to course or work. The next step is to find me a car, so I'm not always stuck at home just chilling writing stories, writing my blog, and watching lame ass reality tv all dam day! 
I've turned into a bit of a clean freak, I get grumpy when the bedroom turns into a sty (practically everyday) so I clean the room, do the laundry and our dishes.




Soooo... ya girl has got herself a boyfriend (FINALLLLLY!) His name is Hayden. We've been together for 4 months and it has been the best 4 months, and also the hardest because we did live 3 hours away from each. Since I lived in Napier and he lived in Levin we were both travelling to and from which was the biggest hassle and not seeing him for at least two weeks it was quite hard. 
We met on Tinder (SHOCK!) and I thought he was just another guy but he was actually really nice and I found him soooo.. goodlooking so we started talking a lot more. He lied about his age to get on tinder he was 17 not 18 which I didn't mind it's only 8 months difference.
But yes I'm at my happiest since I've been with him, unlike other relationships I can be my weird annoying self without him judging me or getting angry at me, because he's exactly like me. 

 With my friendships, I actually have such a small friend group now I hardly go out of my way to talk to anyone new because just making new friends is hard work and putting trust into someone is quite hard also. 
I'm still best of friends with Savanna and Courtnee even though they are a uni we still keep in contact everyday and I try my hardest to see them as much as I can it's bit hard around their schedules. 



 Hmm.. beauty sides of things hasn't changed I still have the exact same routine I had when my last blog was up, I use all the same products I probably have brought some more products but I really need to invest in some more make up products. (Hint Hint Hayden)

Skincare is horrible!!! I cannot wait until I can TAAAAAN! I'm not that much into fake tanning that much because last time went horribly wrong and I was patchy for the ball. Although I may try out fake tanning in the spring time so I look less pale, because I'm seriously a ghost and it looks raaaank!
But it's almost summer time I'm so excited! 
My face has been so dry! I don't know what to buy for my dehydrated skin please guys! if you have any recommendations holla at me!

 As ya'll know I have tattoos in my last blog I had only my spine and roses. I have added on to the roses, I added three skulls that symbolize Hear no evil, See no Evil and Speak no evil. It ends at my elbow but it hasn't fully wrapped around my arm, I must say this was my most painful tattoo as it was on the fat of my arm and most tender I guess but daaaaam it was on fire for weeks.
I got two new piercing to the mix also, I have my nipple pierced and my vertical tragus pierced. They both weren't painful, the nipple still hasn't fully healed yet but yeaaah. 

Annnnnnd that homies is the end of this post, not a dramatic update but better than my last blog. I hope you guys enjoy your days. 

"Don't get bitter, get better" - Rupaul xo



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